Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Here are some photos from the last shoot. It was at a place called "Jimbo's". This place is pretty run down. The regulars are squatters, bikers and just a bunch of people that i wouldn't call bums but just dont seem to have anyplace to be or go lol. But given a chance this place if full of character, personality and vibrant colors. I think we got some pretty cool shots.

Feel free to comment....


  1. Great work!!! The testshoot was a bit stressfull but proved worth it.

  2. I like the urban feel to it. To me, this showcases raw beauty. Without all the glamors and glitz and elaborate backgrounds and settings, you still got beautiful women there. It's real natural.


  3. Amazing shots! Everything is very clear. The colors accent each other very well. I love the setting. It's very real and very vibrant. Excellent work!

  4. These are some wicked shots. The colors of the graffiti are so elucid.

  5. I really like how the clothes and the gestures/attitude go along with the setting/background. Great models, great shots. Can't wait to see more!


  6. This is beautiful work. You are really becoming an amazing artist. Delving into other people's stories and learning about them as opposed to simply snapping a shot of them. The story makes the pictures so much more meaningful. Good luck with this... you are very very talented.
