Saturday, May 9, 2009

Faces Part 2 .........Micheal Addis

Ok so i went out this morning to find the "Homeless Sculptor" , lucky for me he was in his usual spot hard at work. So i sat down and spoke to Mr. Micheal Addis, as he told me was his name. As anyone would expect when you find a homeless person riding through the streets day and night on a broken down bicycle, he told me the usual story of being a drug addict and suffering all of the so called normal perrils street people, go through, but between the stories of the streets came snippets of his family life, childhood and a world of unsuspected knowledge from this seamingly hopeless transient..... there is way too much information and many pics for me to fit in one post without writing a full blown novel so im going to have to break it up into a few separet post each day or throughout the day... again feel free to leave comments ask questions, give suggestions and whatever else you see fit, the more feedback i get the more i will post.
thank you to those of you who have posted already and i hope you will all subscrib to this blog and follow me on my photographic journey...........


  1. Cool pictures Merv! This poor guy looks like he's been through alot. What's he holding in that last picture?

  2. Its actually a bunch of stuff he mixes together to make the stuff he uses to sculpt those faces.

  3. These are awesome pictures and I admire the fact that you took time out of your day to sit down and talk with this individual who the rest of society would just simply overlook. He has a story just like everybody else, and I look forward to reading his story and your experiences as you put them into words. :o)

  4. I love the color accent on the one picture of his hand and the pot. I also love that you sat down and talked to this man and are putting his story in here through pictures. It's very real and I love how you are capturing it. Again very good quality photos. Good angles, lighting, and variety.

  5. haha you actually found him, good stuff.
