Ok this is a shoot i did with Nestor Varona (My mentor and teacher) for a friend of ours who recently took up the sport of show jumping. I especially loved this shoot because it shows a unique union between man and animal that epitomises trust and harmony. During this shoot i learned how the rider and his horse have to be totally in sync in order for the rider to be successful in competition , and that bond is built with caring for the animal and fullfilling its need to be led and put to work. I also learned about the difference between race horses and jumping horses, which is the age at which they are chosen for competition. Race horses are choosen to compete earliar in age (around 1 or 2 ) while jumpers are chosen later in life (3-4) due to the fact that their bones are more matured and strong enough to handle the constant pressure applied during the impact of landing. this was an overal great shoot great guy great animal very informative. . . . enjoy !
Ps. Thank you Luis Puig for allowing us to peer into your new found hobby good luck ! to be continued.......
Thank you for all of the compliments. I really appreciate you all taking the time out to view and compliment on my work, I am extremely happy that i can bring some enjoyment through my vision. I will be sure to have some new posts up as soon as possible and again thank you all. I hope you continue to follow and enjoy my future work.
P.S. any of you interested in being photographed whether it be traditional portraits or something with as little more flare and out of the ordinary I can be contacted at 786-253-3295 or by mervinlford@gmail.com
Hey there folks im sorry its been a little bit since the last post, but ive been consumed with my wrestling boys and preparing them for tournaments. Today the storm has settled and i actualy have a little bit of time on my hands, so back to Mr. Addis. This man was so full of stories ranging from being the step brother of actor Mickey Rourke to being hit by cars and pulled down the street. There was even a story he slipped in about how he was blown up which I at first did not believe one bit until he showed me several areas on his arms and legs that looked like grafted skin much like what someone who was severly burned would have so how much of this was fact and how much fiction..........
Ok I'm back to continue the story of Mr. Addis our homeless neighbor hood sculptor. To start Micheal Addis told me he was 56 years old born and lived most of his life in the city of Miami. At first when i approached him he wanted to know if i was some sort of reporter or cop which i had to assure him i wasn't before he would speak to me. After that was accomplished he began to talk to me about his work and many of his life experiences which brought him to where he is today. According to Mr. Addis he was a rambunctious kid who had a hard time following rules and staying in one place, he told stories about running away from home stealing and doing drugs. One story that stuck in my mind was of how he stole a car on south beach as a teen (about 15 or 16) picked up his best friend and drove to California. Mr. Addis was very forthcoming with most information about his life. He explained to me that he always knew he was an artist, even from an early age building little sculptures and animals for his friends as a child,but despite his talent and enthusiasm his parents did not support nor condone these desires. Mr. Addis told me of an accident he had it North Caronlina with his younger brother which ended with him in a coma. According to him he was awoken from his hospital bed by the screeching sound of a trash can being slid across the floor by one of the hospitals janitors. After this near tragic event he said "I almost died and realized i was wasting my time..... i need to use the talent i have been given and do what i've always wanted to do".
Ok so i went out this morning to find the "Homeless Sculptor" , lucky for me he was in his usual spot hard at work. So i sat down and spoke to Mr. Micheal Addis, as he told me was his name. As anyone would expect when you find a homeless person riding through the streets day and night on a broken down bicycle, he told me the usual story of being a drug addict and suffering all of the so called normal perrils street people, go through, but between the stories of the streets came snippets of his family life, childhood and a world of unsuspected knowledge from this seamingly hopeless transient..... there is way too much information and many pics for me to fit in one post without writing a full blown novel so im going to have to break it up into a few separet post each day or throughout the day... again feel free to leave comments ask questions, give suggestions and whatever else you see fit, the more feedback i get the more i will post. thank you to those of you who have posted already and i hope you will all subscrib to this blog and follow me on my photographic journey...........
Ok this is a personal project Ive been thinking about for a few weeks now. Every morning on my way to work i see a homeless man working away at electrical pole near an intersection. I always wondered what the heck it was he was doing . Then after a few days I see these faces sculpted out of what seems to be clay of some sort. I thought it was pretty cool this guy living on the street was out there doing this. Then i thought where did he learn this ? who is he ? and now I must find out. So i want to catch him one day and find out his story.
Here a few pics of this guys work. It was pretty funny to see the stares i was getting as i pulled over on the side of the road during morning rush hour and whipped out my camera and started snapping away...... Enjoy and dont forget to leave comments.
Ps hopefully i will be able to catch the "homeless artist" and have a part two with more pics and when ever info i can pry out of him.
I am by nature a creative person i love to use my hands and my mind to create. I wrestled for the united states olympic education center and wrestling is still very much a large and important part of my life (it has developed the drive and work ethic that has allowed me to be successful at anything i do). I coach a few kids that ive watched grow up and i get no better joy than to see them succeed after all of their hard work. Ive always been a huge fan of photography but never really fell into it until about a year or two ago when i started going on shoots with my highschool wrestling coach Nestor Varona who has been a very big positive factor in my life for many years as well as my mentor. I am constantly learning new things everyday and will hopefully bring it all for you to see.